Product Description
Important Note: For product quantities of 20 litres or more please contact us for shipping rates.
1L discontinued
Sea-Change KFF™
A blend of ocean essentials enhanced with fulvic acid and growth promotants.
A unique combination of kelp, fish and fulvic acid in a proven formula which is further boosted by the addition of plant growth promotants.
Benefits and features
- Enhanced root growth.
- Natural chelating capacity.
- Increased flowering.
- Higher fruit to flower ratio.
- A rescue remedy in stress situations.
- Bio-stimulation for microbes & earthworms.
Plant response includes early maturity, improved yield, improved frost resistance, protection from stress such as drought, heat, waterlogging, higher brix levels and associated benefits.
Application rates:
Foliar Spray:
1 L per 100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent Apply weekly or as required
Orchards & Vineyards
1 L per 100 L water up to 7 L/ha equivalent Apply every 2 – 4 weeks or as required
Ornamentals & Turf
1 L per 100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent Apply every 2 – 4 weeks or as required
Broadacre Crops
1 – 3 L/ha in 60 – 100 L water, depending on canopy closure, apply as required
1 – 3 L/ha in 60 – 100 L water, apply as required
50 mL per 10 L water, apply as required
10 – 20 L/ha
Apply weekly or as required
Orchards, Vineyards, Ornamentals & Turf
10 – 20 L/ha
Apply every 2 – 4 weeks or as required
Home Garden Application:
Dilute 45 mL per 9 L watering can and apply the diluted mix at a rate of 1 litre per square metre Apply fortnightly or as required
Tree Tubestock or Vegetable Seedling Treatment:
Soak roots in 1:150 dilution
Need more information before purchasing?
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